
Recent Results 2013

Park Run 28th December Won by Nick Hardy from Birchfield but some fast times from our youngsters Jack Bonser (16:18), Jamie Ward (17:24) and a PB from Ryan Hodgkiss (17:42), Harry Dyall (19:13) a PB. The ladies was won by Isobel Cotham in 20:02. A PB for our team manager Paul Tabor (20:47) Wheaton Aston […]

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Sutton Park Relays

   U13 Boys Relay Team   Good Turn Out For Sutton Park Relays….   Well done to all who competed in the Sutton Park Relays.  From the Under 13’s, right up to Seniors, it was great to see so many Wolves & Bilston teams taking part and just enjoying the day.  We also came home with

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