Ladies Cross Country Report

Trish Morgan reports on the Senior Ladies Cross Country Season 2013/14  Another great season for the Senior Ladies in the Midland Women’s Cross Country League. A good turn out of ladies on the start line, especially our 2nd league fixture on home soil being the biggest number this season with 19 ladies representing the club.  Although

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Awards Night and Report on Young Athletes Cross Country Events 1,2,3,4 & 5

Awards Night Saturday March 22nd It has been a good year for Cross Country particularly for the youngsters.There is going to be an Awards evening Fordhouses Cricket club on Saturday 22nd March at 7:00pm.The tickets are £2:50 which includes a buffet and must be bought in advance from Tracey Cresswell on a Tuesday or a Thursday.  Each

Awards Night and Report on Young Athletes Cross Country Events 1,2,3,4 & 5 Read More »

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